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Who better than Dickie Durbin, the consigilari of the Chicago body politic to propose “the Senate could make changes to the bill by using the nuclear option, known formally as “reconciliation,” a tactic that would allow Democrats to adjust parts of health care reform with just a 51-vote majority”.

Although this tact has been rumored in the past, floating the balloon today to proceed in such a manner makes two very clear points, first, Coakley being DOA after tonight’s loss, the party seems more focused on who to blame.

Second, if it was not clear before the Brown/Coakley election it is crystal clear now that the health care bills passing, (note I did not say success) is the Democratic keystone in the bridge of sighs of their social engineering platform. Never mind the economy, unemployment, or something simple as “doing the right thing”, ObamaCare is the priority even at the height of the worst recession in recorded history.

After being second fiddle for the most of the last 20 years has the Democrats eager to show how well they can spread the wealth, granted the Bush regime ran up 1.2 trillion in eight years, but the new leader in the pork and waste department is, drum roll please, number one, Barack Obama, number two, Nancy Pelosi, and a close third Harry Reid.

This trilogy of spendocrats have managed to; kill any economic recovery by, not addressing the housing crisis, you can thank Rham, Timmy, Barney, and Chris for leveraging that one, enter Nanny Pelosi and her tyrannical hold on the House, passed the stimulus package, passing health care with a public option, and as of today a new 135 trillion education bill, government is growing the economy isn’t.

With Brown taking the election tonight, prepare for some serious down and dirty Chicago politics from Obama and krew. The style that worked in the past while the country was at the height of the Obama euphoria, has grown callow. The words though delivered well, carry no weight, the leadership behind the man has become much to secret and dark, trust has vanished, and if the trend continues who will pay for these mistakes in judgment?

Tonight just might be the start of a grand cascade of fallen Democrats and liberal Republicans, the country seeking a cause has congregated in the center where their frustration grows waiting for a leader to appear. 2010 just might be, “the new American revolution”, many losses loom on the horizon that will effect the very core of both parties, I have hope for that change.

ALLAHPUNDIT  Paul Ryan Tells The NRO: The Dems Are Going To Try Reconciliation
VODKAPUNDIT  Success has a thousand fathers…
MICHELLE MALKIN  The Democrats Massachusetts Meltdown
ALLAHPUNDIT  House Dems already starting to run from ObamaCare
ED MORRISSEY  The World Turned Upside Down
DANCING CZARS   Dems Assemble Circular Firing Squad Over Coakley Loss; Freedom Left Intact
VOTINGFEMALESPEAKS!  MA victorious in first battle of the second American Revolution; The patriot’s revolt against tyranny of the DC socialists
THE WESTERN EXPERIENCE  Scott Brown Wins In Massachusetts!
FRUGAL CAFE BLOG ZONE  On Scott Browns Win are they listening now!
AMERICAN SPECTATOR  Stupak: Sentate Bill Would Not Get 100 Votes In The House
GATEWAY PUNDIT   Voters be dammed; CNN blames unruly conservatives for the Obama disaster (VIDEO)
AMERICAN THINKER  The coming Democratic Counter-Offensive
ED MORRISSEY  Weiner on passing ObamaCare Pigs might fly too…
GEORGE WILL  The Curse Of Opportunity
ED DRISCOLL  Polls closed “GOP’S Brown in epic win!
POLITICO  Dazed Dem0crats rething entire process
ACE OF SPADES HQ   You, Howard Dean, are insane if you’re spinning this as some kind of proof america wants a more socialist health care plan…says Chris Matthews
NICE DEB   Video: Scott Brow’s Victory Speech + Political Fallout Round-up
FLOPPING ACES   Color me happy
LEGAL INSURRECTION  What if the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy?
OTB-JAMES JOYNER  What Democrats should learn from Massachussetts
SCRAPPLEFACE  Obama: Coakley Victorious if Brown gets less than 60%
POLIPUNDIT   For those keeping score
SISTER TOLDJAH  Caption This: John F”n Kerry Edition
CATO@LIBERTY   The Brown Revolution
ANOTHER BLACK CONSERVATIVE  Obama gets an attitude adjustment too? Well, sort of…
ANIMAL FARM  Baseball Blues…Coakley V Schilling

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