Nan, in her ever present cheery Botox induced craze stated “Obama must make his case on Afghanistan”, jeeze thanks Nan.

To further confuse the issue, with the paper still wet from Obama’s signature, the lefts old pal Denny K. is rumored to be developing the following; “Pelosi said she expects Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, to introduce a resolution calling for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. That will probably be the first vote the House takes on this issue”.

Blind worship be dammed, the rats need a job in 2010 and 2012, and with Obama’s poll numbers free falling to historic levels for the first year President, the exodus for the ropes will be like the doors opening at Fileans after Christmas sale!

Politicians are famous for saying one thing and doing another, but Professor Obama has taken that to new heights. The once promising presidency is now mired in a litany of struggles from both within and outside of his party.

Cheese anyone?

USA TODAY THE OVAL  Obama on his own in Afghanistan
VICTOR VOLSKY  On the brink
ED MORRISSEY  Pelosi: Obama is on his own with Afghanistan funding
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DIARY OF A MAD CONSERVATIVE   Who’s going under the bus for this one?
FIRE ANDREA MITCHELL   Pelosi says rallying votes for troop surge in Afghanistan will be Obama’s Job BeltwayBlips: vote it up!