Much has been said about the potential losses the  Democratic party will face in the 2010, what has not been addressed is who or what party will reap the perceived benefit of these losses.

With the Tea Party stumbling out of the gate, the lack of solidified Republican platform, the Democrats abysmal polling numbers and least we forget the independents, 2010 could ultimately result in the increased marginalization of all four platforms.

Obama currently garners an estimated 30-35% of the lefts support regardless of issue, call it blind ambition, Republicans continue to struggle with similar polling numbers, Independents are leaning right, the Tea Party movement is in its infant stage, so as they say in football, time to throw the hail Mary, and although political opportunity abounds, so do the associated risks, read on.

Given the above scenarios along with an increase in each of the platforms protectionism to assure it’s ideological growth the potential for stagnation and inability to proffer any useful legislation will surely follow.  This fractionating of the former two party system into what appears to be four distinct groups is dangerous in that no clear consensus can be obtained when one is so sorely needed.

The current and proposed infighting for top billing will assuredly result in the increase of the benign grandiose promises politicians have become so caviler at issuing but not keeping as of late. With the end result of increasing the ruminating displeasure toward our elected officials which is dangerously at an all time high. While this process is an integral part of the form and function of a free republic, the answer on who will reign supreme is a story yet to be told. This fight for supremacy will surely leave copious amounts of blood on the battlefield further dividing our country when a unification of purpose is what is required.

What spoils remain for the winner along with it’s direction will make life interesting far into the approaching decade, and from a personal perspective none of the four competing factions have jumped to the forefront with any brilliant ideas or suggestions, nor statesman like leadership.

Obama was correct in that our government needs “fundamental change”, but not to the bloated, special interest driven, increased socialization of the political machine that now exists.  For now until our proposed hero reaches that Valhalla, the highest use we the citizens of the United States can perform is to be ever vigilant, and involved in the process.

Lastly, we as a nation have dropped the proverbial ball over the last 30-40 years in that our apathy and acceptance of our elected officials has not been in our best interest. This nescient approach has led us to the conundrum we all now face, our saving grace is that history will show the American people possess unlimited resolve when their freedoms are vetoed by the very same elected officials we entrusted.

To use a highly worn out metaphor our Republic is facing “a defining moment” it is up to each of us to become part of that definition, that my fellow Americans is the only platform that matters!

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