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The overwhelming theme of today’s headlines is the structured one minded attacks of  GOP presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann based on some of her less than accurate historical comments.  For all intent and purpose these minor gaff’s pale in comparison to the current state of the union on so many levels one has to wonder is this the best the liberal detractors can come up with?  Should not the questions be Mrs. Bachmann, what is your plan to turn around the economy, the jobless rate, your position on national defense, the current unrest in the Middle East?

The media’s choice to focus on minutia, is telling in that is uncovers a very real and valid fear; hey this woman is pretty darn smart and is racing up the GOP polls like a some kind of GOP Secretariate, garnering influence and mass followers along the way, or in other words a very real challenge to Obama in 2012.

If 2008 proved anything is clearly shows us that politics in the internet 24/7 age is directly tied to the buzz one can create outside of the normal means of the controlled media.  The fourth estate has expanded to small gorilla social media consortium’s so much so that now the media powerhouses of the past have been relegated to nothing more than attack dogs of any source that might not agree with their structured plan of who should be in power.

In essence a quantifiable balancing of the structured message has taken place, and the old school NBC’s, CBS’s find themselves in a diminished role of influence.  I for one could not be happier.

The Oregonian Boo Daily  Check It Out..

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